How to look attractive To your woman

Nigerian men have constantly been criticized to be unromantic by their female counterparts. This may not be totally true but a number of times, we men get it wrong when it comes to eliciting strong attraction from spouses going by the fact that one of the principles of romance that usually leads to a blissful relationship berthed on true love is attraction.

For you as a man to get to the pinnacle of being a master of eliciting intense attraction from your spouse, there are a couple of tricks which you have to master and constantly infuse in your relationship in order to maintain a healthy level of attraction between you and her and to also literally think of you as the best thing that has ever happened to her.

Here are some of those few tips that’ll help you as a man keep the fire of attraction burning in your relationship.

Always reinvent your relationship

Although this is seen to be a tad difficult by many, it actually is quite easy. From the perspective of hormones, When you first meet someone, you instantly release dopamine — the addiction hormone. This hormone is responsible for making you feel physically addicted to the other person for a short time whenever you are apart.

This tends to be the benchmark for a longer term relationship aided with the stimulation of another hormone, oxytocin also referred to as the cuddling hormone. The effect does not wear off for say five more years. A time frame long enough for you and her to raise young ones.

After this period of intense attraction fuelled by hormones, is a steady decline since the hormones are no longer effective. This coupled with the “theory of complications” which suggests that women marry the man they think he can become and try to change him; men marry the woman they want, and then she changes leads to a scenario where you have two people heading towards opposite directions.

And if after like seven years you do not bridge that gap, you’ll eventually drift apart. So add some spice to your relationship and ultimately look attractive to her by trying a new position in bed, taking a vacation, or saying this sentence after dinner one night: "I want to think of everything we can do to make our relationship as great as it was when we first met."

Request bluntness

Most women expect their men to discern a lot of things. Unfortunately, men are built in such a way that we do not usually comprehend most of the subtle signals being communicated by our partners. It is as if they are the only ones that understand this form of language.

Take for example if she “mistakenly” hits your head while you are trying to fall asleep after telling you she was not angry when you forgot your anniversary date, just think back to how she said the words. Lying in her expression and voice tone was a clue. Eventually you have to step up and say, "I don't have any idea why you detest me at this moment." Ask her to tell you plainly what she wants. This saves relationships and keeps the attraction burning.

Give her some chocolate

Women generally love chocolate and it has been confirmed that it increases sexual libido because it contains phenyl ethylamine, anandamide and tryptophan which have been shown to increase libido. So, spring a surprise on her by coming home with some chocolate bars. Make Sure You Think ahead

Always take the lead and work ahead of time. If you want to have sex with your wife tomorrow, have it at the back of your mind that women responds better to sexual passes when their oxytocin level is pretty high. Hence, ensure you make this happen by doing something nice for her a day before the encounter. Buy her a book, cook breakfast, call for no reason. It's not difficult. This would further endear and attract you to her.


By: Fakile Wale 

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